What is Keyfacts?
What you may have missed about living with more peace

Here are some extra resources to find out more
Keyfacts is the message of Jesus put in a simple, easy to understand, easy to share format.
All the bible verses come from the New International Version of the Bible. The population facts have come from the following sites...
Yes, absolutely free!
The word 'christian' is derived from the Greek word 'Christianos'.
So a christian means 'a little one, anointed by God's power'.
We suggest you:
- Find a christian friend to chat with
- Find a local church
- YouTube church messages
- Or go to our resources page where we have a few links and videos
We believe our purpose in life is to return to the first garden - how God designed life to be - close to Him, in harmony with each other and nature.
A small group of people who belong to mainstream churches